Joey is too big for his bath sling, yet not quite able to sit up in the bath seat that suctions to the tub. So Grammy suggested I bathe him in his bumbo seat in the tub. What a great idea, I thought! So I put the bumbo in the tub, turn on the water, pour in some bubbles (joey loves bubbles) and go to get him undressed. We get back in the bathroom and the bumbo is more like a boat. A bumbo boat. It's floating around in the tub. Figuring Joey would weigh it down, I put him in it to start the bath process. Well I don't know much about physics (is this physics?), but the shape of the bumbo allows water to get underneath it, plus it's very lightweight to begin with, and my 16lb. baby doesn't weigh quite enough to stop the seat from moving around the tub. He looooooooooved his bumbo boat though. I had to hold on to it so he didn't tip it over, but he was so freakin happy sitting up like a big boy in the tub! Here's a pic of my bumbo boat baby:

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