Joey enjoyed these toys so much as a baby, it's no wonder that he still thinks they are fun. In fact, I'm pretty sure that he had more fun with them today than he ever did as an infant. He laughed so hard as he climbed in and out of the exersaucer and jumperoo this morning, I thought he was going to hyperventilate. Apparently these toys entertain children throughout their early childhood years...
Here is a picture of Joey enjoying the exersaucer at 6 months:

Finding a new way to play with it at 11 months:

Rediscovering the fun today, at almost 2 and a half:
And finding out that climbing underneath it is still exciting...

But not a lot of jumping was happening in the Jumperoo as it sagged to the floor after Joey climbed in:
Love the saggy jumeroo shot. Cute!!!
Oh My! I Love red headed kids! I always wanted a red headed boy of my very oen! TOOOOO cute!
Love that! Don't you hate it when they are getting to old for all the fun toys. :(
Joey always tickles my heart Na
It looks like it was worth every penny....
Welcome to SITS!
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