Friday, March 7, 2008


Joey has his first official cold. I feel bad for him with his little runny nose and cough. It's hard to watch him be so uncomfortable. He went to bed super early tonight (6:15!), but has cried a couple of times since then. I think I'm in for a long night...

I've decided that Joey needs new toys. When he gets better we're going to go *new toy* shopping. Yesterday he was so excited over the toys at our playgroup, I realized that he is probably bored with his! I know you're probably thinking I'm nuts, but seriously... he plays for like 5 minutes with his toys, but at Gracie's house he played for a good 20 minutes with her shape sorter! I think I'll check out the second-hand kid's store for a few new toys because money is not growing on trees, and new houses aren't free...

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