As you've probably already gathered, I love coffee, tea, and just about anything else that gives me a caffeine boost. Recently I was asked to try out a really awesome new coffee mug. It's called a Brugo Mug, and it has features that I've never seen before on any other travel mug. "Features?" you are probably thinking to yourself, "I didn't realize coffee mugs had features." Well, this one does, and they are quite convenient and easy to use.

Here are some cool facts about the Brugo Coffee Mug:
- The Patented Temperature Control Chamber makes it easy to enjoy your coffee immediately after it is brewed with the tip & sip function, while the remaining beverage stays hot and fresh.
- Lock mechanism, keeping your hot beverage sealed and spill proof.
- 16-ounce capacity for those (like me) who need A LOT of coffee to get going in the morning.
- Double-wall insulation.
- No-slip bottom, and a stylish stainless steel finish.
- Fits most cup holders, and comes in some really snazzy colors.
- Makes an affordable, practical gift for just about anyone! (Starting at just $14.95)
My personal opinion:
I was skeptical at first. We are taught not to tip a hot beverage because it will spill out. So it was hard for me to make myself actually tip the mug to fill the "Temperature Control Chamber." Then I thought, how could it possibly instantly adjust the liquid to perfect sipping temperature. Well, I was impressed that when I tipped the mug I didn't cover myself, my car upholstery, or anything at all with burning hot coffee. (as I said, I was a bit nervous) Then I took a hesitant sip. I half-expected to burn my upper lip with scalding hot coffee, but I was even more impressed that the sip I enjoyed was at exactly the right temperature. No burning, no dripping, no waiting for the coffee to be cool enough to drink. How cool is this?

Overall, I was super impressed with my new Brugo coffee mug, and I'm really excited to be offering one of these to a reader in his/her choice of color!
All you have to do to enter is head on over to, and come back here telling me which color you'd choose and why you'd like the to have a Brugo mug for your very own!
My standard giveaway rules apply, in case you forgot, here they are:
10 additional entries can be earned by doing some or all of the following: (leave an additional comment for each entry.)
- Become a follower of Thou Shall Not Whine (3 extra entries!) *Just click the little "follow" button on the right-hand sidebar, then leave me 3 additional comments stating, "follower #1, follower #2, etc."
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- Mention this giveaway on your blog with a link back to it. (2 extra entries!)
- Leave a comment on a non-giveaway post. (leave an additional comment here to count as your entry!)
This giveaway starts now and will conclude on Wednesday, August 4th, at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be selected via and contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond before another winner will be chosen.
I would love the bruno mug in cobalt. It would be perfect to hold my tea when I am out and about with my two kids.
I really dig the Passion color mug. It is pink,but not too pink. I would rock the heck outta that mug too.
I like the flamingo and want one because its spill proof.
GFC follower #1
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
I'd like to get the Brugo Jazz in blue. I need a new coffee mug because my current one's lid is broken
abfantom at yahoo dot com
cobalt and to take my hot tea out and not spill
LIME AND I WOULD USE FOR COLD WATER HERE IN FLORIDA NEEDS a mug in the teal color for my hubby...He's ALWAYS spilling coffee in the car and I'm 'bout to lose my mind?!! He has at least 8 travel mugs in the cupboard and he doesn't like any of them?!! Is he crazy? I keep telling him to try the BRUGO!!!!! (He hasn't seen one and doesn't even know how cool they are!) PLZ send me a mug for my hubby--save a marriage & a car interior!!!!!!!!
I picked Slice and I'd like this for my husband who has to go just about everywhere with a beverage in his cup holder in the car
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I like the Passion color--that way the men in the house will not borrow it and I will get to keep it.
I like the Mist color and to avoid scalding my mouth with hot beverages.
The Ruby Executive is my Brugo of choice. I would use my Brugo to avoid burning my mouth with my premium warehouse coffee each morning.
the black please
I love the color in Passion. I would like to have a Brugo mug because it is spill proof!
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I'd like to win a Blue Brugo Mug because I'm tired of spilling on my clothes and burning my flesh!
Mist and to avoid burning my mouth with hot liquid.
I would want the sunshine colored one! It sounds like a great way not to spill in the car or while you're out and to avoid burning my mouth!
irshsmil9 @
For me, I'd get FLAMINGO! I love pink!
For my hubby I'd get dusk, he's a big time coffee drinker :)
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Cobalt is the best color for the mug. I like how it is a nice bold color. The concept of the cup is amazing and I love th etemperature control.
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I would like a Brugo Coffee Mug in Passion because I'm a Passionate gal. I love the Brugo Coffee Mug because of the vibrant colors, it holds a lot of liquid, it is spill proof and double wall insulated, my coffee needs to stay hot!
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I like the Jazz in passion. I just love the look of this mug and that it will keep my coffee hot
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I like the Flamingo color and I want this because it will prevent me from having bad days when I spill or burn myself with my coffee!
I would love a mug in Mist. I totally want one so I quit burning my mouth with hot coffee!!
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I would choose the dusk color. I need a new mug, as my last mug's handle fell off
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
My favorite is the Cobalt.I would love to have my own to enjoy my morning coffee in. I hate cold coffee but I can't always drink it fast enough with 4 kids to keep up with.
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Not only does the Brugo Mug look great, it's so innovative. I love the heat control chamber! Were I lucky enough to win and have my pick, I think i'd go for the Truffle color in the Executive style. Thanks so much for the chance!!
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i love the sunshine one from the jazz collection. id LOVE to have one because i am impatient and ALWAYS burn my tongue. my poor poor tongue... :(
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I would love to have a Brugo mug for my hour-long commute every morning. My favorite color is Seaglass.
I'd love to have the mist color mug so I can enjoy my tea while chasing around my kids in the morning.
I love the passion color in the Jazz collection! I would love to win one of these mugs because I'm always burning my tongue on my hot coffee in my travel mug and this would be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.
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I'd pick the Passion mug.
katfam95 @
Flamingo is my favorite color. I would love to own one of these because I take coffee to work every morning and this would be a great mug to do it in!
I like the Seaglass color. Sometimes I'm so harried and such a mess. This mug would be so helpful!
Mediterranean is my favorite color.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
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I like the Executive in truffle. If I won this I would give it to my brother for Christmas.
I would choose the Spring color!
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love the Mediterranean one its so gorgeous!
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I would like to have the spring colored mug. I want a brugo mug because it has Double-wall insulation.
I would select the Spring color Brugo Travel Mug from the Executive and Jazz Collection.
The light gray in the sport collection looks great.
I like the passion color. I drink a mug of coffee every day on my way to work and have to let it cool down before drinking it. This tip and cool method would be great!
I would love the cobolt one. Nice giveaway.
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Mist is the color for me! It would save time if I could grab my caffeine fix and take it with me.
I would pick cobalt thanks!
teacherlinz at yahoo dot com
I would choose the Dusk mug from the executive collection.
chrystaljns @ gmail dot com
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chrystaljns @ gmail dot com
I love the sunshine color!
I would get the cobalt one.
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I really like Cobalt and I want one because I need a no spill cup!
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Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
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Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
I think I would choose Mediterranean and I would love to have it for coffee. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would love the Passion mug. I would like this because I am always burning my tongue. LOL!!!
Thanks for the great giveaway :)
mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com
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The Mediterranean is my favorite and I'd love one as I hate having to wait for my coffee to cool down.
I would love the Cobalt and would love the fact that my coffee would not spill.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
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