Monday, December 21, 2009
Getting Ready
I've got laundry to do, presents to wrap, clothes to pack, food to make, and many, many, many, more various tasks in preparation for our 13 hour drive to CT on Wednesday! YIKES! Wish me luck. I'll be back on here soon, I promise.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fast forward 2 years, and I still feel truly blessed. But this post isn't about that. This post is about how much changes in 2 years. Joey is now a big brother. He is potty trained. He feeds himself, brushes his own teeth, and talks like a typical 2-year old. He has his own idea about everything, and can't wait for Santa to bring him some new pens. In just two short years, Joey has grown into such a little boy and I just can't believe it.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
When Will It End???
Somewhere around the 11-week mark Olivia decided she hated the bottle, but loved the boob. I mean LOVE the boob. This kid is a Momma's-girl to the 10th degree. In fact, before I actually sit down to nurse her in the morning she sucks on my neck or my shoulder while I walk around making my tea and getting Joey his sippy cup and Cheerios. It's like she can't wait to get a hold of it. She just loves nursing.
Roundabout September I was in dire need of a new nursing bra. All of the ones that I owned at the time were the ones that I used when I had Joey so they were pretty worn out. While on a trip to JCPenney I contemplated buying one. I did not really want to buy one because I was still hopeful that the kid would be on the bottle sometime in the very near future. But I broke down and bought one anyway. Good thing I did because I wear it almost every day. (Don’t worry, the washing machine is always running in my house so it stays relatively clean.) Well, today I got tired of only having one decent nursing bra so I went out and charged 2 new ones to my JCP credit card. They were only $15 each, so not a huge deal, but still. I can't believe that this kid is 8 months old and I'm out buying new nursing bras because she shows absolutely NO signs of weaning. NONE. Will I be nursing her past my intended cut off point (10 1/2 months)? You betcha. Will I be nursing her on her 1st birthday? Most likely. Will I be nursing her next summer? Oh my goodness I hope not, but probably.
Don't get me wrong. I love nursing my babies. I love that it's the one thing I can do for them that no one else can do. I love the convenience of it in that you don't have to mix formula, heat bottles, or pack anything extra in the diaper bag. I love the quiet calm that takes over a fussy baby when they snuggle up and latch on. I even (sometimes) love sitting in a dark room in the middle of the night with a sleepy baby nursing away. I really do. But after 3 babies in less than 2 years a girl needs a break. I need to feel like I can leave my house for more than a 3-hour window at a time. I need to feel like my body belongs to me and only me. I need to feel that my husband can put our children to bed without my boob help. But that day is probably a long time coming.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Solitary Shower
Anyway, a few months ago I started to take Joey in the shower with me once in a when he was in need of a cleaning and bath nights were few and far between. Since then, his interest in taking a shower has more than peaked. My husband and I actually have to spell s.h.o.w.e.r. to each other and discreetly leave the room in an effort to not be followed by the small red-headed energizer bunny otherwise known as our son.
Yesterday was no exception. I made the mistake of announcing that I was headed for the shower, and Joey (who seemed like he wasn't paying any attention to us) popped up off the couch and said, "my shoor too Mom!" I tried to divert his attention to the TV, I offered him a snack, I asked him to go find his Elmo toy. None of these worked. When I returned with his little bowl of goldfish, he was already pulling off the remaining clothes left on his body. He stood up, completely naked, announced, "My shoor now, OK Mom!" and made a run for the bathroom before I had time to think of another reason why he couldn't come with me.
I hated to disappoint the little guy, so I grabbed a couple of tub toys, turned the water on, and put him in the tub. So much for my few minutes of peace. Guess I'll have to think of a new way to get a small amount of mommy-time.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Move Over Gerber, a New Biter Biscuit is in Town!
8 months old is a great age. The babies can now sit up in their high chairs and eat things like puffs, biter biscuits, toasts, and other exciting finger foods. Why do I think this is so great? Because it gives me a few minutes to get things done. Like eat dinner. And we all know how much I love anything that gives me an extra minute or two.
Katelyn is addicted to puffs. Seriously. I'm pretty sure that the child would sit in her high chair for hours on end as long as the tray continued to be replenished with a endless supply of puffs. In fact sometimes I catch her almost doozing off before I shake a few more puffs onto her tray.
Olivia likes puffs too, but has a harder time manipulating the tray-to-hand-to-mouth sequence. Most of the time she just ends up with two fistfulls of puffs and she doesn't know what to do next. She prefers to be fed the puffs. How helpful is that? I have to feed my child her "finger foods." Hmmm... not really sure that's the arrangement I was going for, but whatever.
Olivia really loves the biter biscuits though. She catches a glimpse of one of those and her little feet start kicking away in excitement. And she knows just what to do. Hold in hand, insert in mouth, and suck, suck, suck. Did that sound dirty to you? Get your mind out of the gutter. We're talking about my baby here people... geesh.
Anyway, we are going through a ridiculous amount of puffs and biter biscuits these days. (Partially due to the fact that Joey insists on having puffs and "baby cookies" as well.) In an effort to save a little money, make less frequent trips to the baby snack-food aisle, and give my babies something that is natural and delicious I decided to try to make my own biter biscuits yesterday. I tried this once when Joey was a baby and ended up with a chewy, bendable, flavorless, rubbery version of the beloved Gerber Biter Biscuits. Nevertheless, I did a little internet searching and found something that sounded yummy for my kiddos.
It took me all of 15 minutes to whip up a batch of these bad boys, another 25 minutes in the oven, 10 minutes to cool, and voila! I had myself 13 brand-spanking new biter biscuits that had a yummy flavor, perfect texture, and wholesome ingredients. And all three of my kids thought they were fantastic.
By the way, I'm happy to share the recipe with anyone who wants it, just contact me and let me know you'd like it!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
2 Winners for Yoplait Kids Prize Pack
2 lucky readers will be receiving a Yoplait Kids Prize Pack! According to, comment #3 by Eczemommy and comment #9 by Jamie were our winners. Congratulations ladies, hope your kiddos love the yogurt! I'll email you and make sure your prize packs get shipped out ASAP. A huge thanks to Yoplait for providing Thou Shall Not Whine with this great giveaway.
As for my blogging future, don't go anywhere! I have more giveaways planned for after the holidays, but I'm afraid that a trip back home will take precidence over my blogging in the coming weeks. And I'll always have stories about my kids, and those are fun too right???
December 4, 2009 10:29 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
After naptime yesterday we packed up the kids, headed on over to the mall, and got in line to hand our kids over to a large man, dressed in a red suit, with a southern accent. I tried to prepare Joey while we were in the car. I said things like, "Are you going to sit with Santa?" and "Santa is going to give you a present." Another one I tried was, "Santa is going to hold the babies too!" Joey was in complete agreement at this point. I got lots of "Yes, Mommy," "Oh-Kay," and "My sit Santa lap, ok?" He was so encouraging that I actually started to think that this might not go so badly afterall.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Date NIght: Bella Acts Foolish in New Moon
However, it wasn't the vampires' red eyes, pale skin, freakishly fast movements, or quench for human blood that brought me back to reality. Nor was it the unbelievably cool on-screen transformation that turned a bunch of very muscular young men into growling, mouth-foaming, wild dogs. It was the fact that no one in their right mind goes off into the woods (alone) time and time again to be confronted by "thirsty" vampires and ginormous werewolves. I mean seriously, a lot of Bella's troubles could be avoided if she would just STAY HOME. Regardless of this character's lack of good judgement, the movie was great. Awesome special effects, action-packed, and seriously intense. I can't wait for the third! And going out with my hubby was great too. We snuggled, ate loads of popcorn and Reese's Pieces. And we were greeted by a little, smiling, red-headed baby who likes to stay up late as much as her mommy does...
Don't ask me why I chose to write about this tonight. If you are a Twilight Fan, feel free to chime in with a comment about Bella's stupid ways. If you aren't a Twilight Fan you definitely should be... the books are amazing, and I've loved both of the movies so far.
And no, I'm not becoming a movie critic blogger. I'm sticking to what I know... all things mommy. Just off on a little tangent tonight, that's all.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Giveaway! Yoplait Kids Prize Pack

Thou Shall Not Whine has teamed up with Yoplait to offer TWO of my readers a Yoplait Kids Prize Pack! The prize pack includes a cooler bag, a coupon for a free pack of Yoplait Kids Yogurt, a color-changing spoon, a reusable placemat, and a fun twisty toy. All you have to do to enter is comment on this post. As always, you can earn extra entries by doing any of the following: (leave a new comment for each extra entry)
- Become a follower of Thou Shall Not Whine (3 extra entries!)
- Grab my button and display it on your blog (3 extra entries!)
- Mention this giveaway on your blog with a link back to it.
- Leave a comment on a non-giveaway post.
- Subscribe to Thou Shall Not Whine in a newsreader.
This giveaway will run until Friday, December 11th, 11:59pm EST. Winner will be selected via and contacted via email.
Winner Annoucement
I have another giveaway set to run until next Wednesday, but with my very low entry status, I'm thinking of making it my last. And I'm thinking of taking a blogging-hiatus for a while too... Stay tuned...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Where is Everyone?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Sound of Clean
The previous random blog-fart was brought on by my pre-holiday cleaning, in preparation for Turkey Day. This will be my very first time hosting a holiday. I've worked for two days getting everything ready, and I am really looking forward to staying home tomorrow, watching the parade on TV, and visiting with 9 people that I love very much. I have made mashed potatoes, stuffin' muffins, banana bread, rolls, and prepared an appetizer. The rest is being brought in by my guests (including the turkey!) I've also unpacked my china (for the first time EVER!), prepared a centerpiece, and picked out a lovely festive ribbon to tie my cloth napkins with.
It's a little weird because for the first time so much of our family is so far away, and I wish that everyone that we love could join us tomorrow. But I feel very fortunate to have some special people to share Thanksgiving with, and I truly feel that we have a whole lot to be thankful for. I am very thankful to have a great place to call home, delicious food on my table, 3 healthy and happy children, a husband who loves me, and many wonderful friends and family members.
So all of this leaves me wondering, what are you thankful for this year? Please comment and share...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Banana Bread
Since this is my first year hosting Thanksgiving Dinner, (and I had a couple of over-ripe bananas) I decided to add my authentic banana bread to the menu. I had a little extra time this afternoon before the children woke up so I whipped up a batch. I love saying that. Oh, I just whipped this up. Easy-peasy. Ha. So anyway, Joey watched as I poured the batter into the loaf pan. He called it baby food because to usually most semi-solid/semi-liquid mixtures in our house is baby food. I said, "No honey, this is banana bread. Mommy is going to put it in the oven to let it cook and we can eat it on Thanksgiving." "OH-KAY!" He responded. So in the oven it went, timer started, and I went back to playing choo-choos on the living room floor.
Ron came home from the grocery store a bit later, took one whiff, and said "mmmm, smells like Mommy made banana bread." Somehow I figured he knew it was for Turkey Day, and didn't need reminding not to eat this particular loaf the minute it was on the cooling rack....
I suppose you can figure out what happened next. Well actually, what almost happened next. While I was walking down the hall from the afternoon diaper changing station, I caught Ron standing over my perfectly brown banana bread, knife in hand, Joey and Daisy prepared to go in for the kill. "STOP! That isn't for today, it's for Thanksgiving." All three perpetrators turned to look at me. All three were equally disappointed as I quickly snatched up the banana bread, wrapped it in foil, a put it way back on the counter. In fact Joey was so disappointed that I had to bribe him with gummy bears to get him out of the kitchen. (Ron too!)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My Breastfeeding Toddler
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Not A Proven Weight-Loss Method
Knowing that my sister was alone in her new home, without so much as TV hooked up yet, I decided to take a walk over to keep her company for a little while before bedtime. She lives on the opposite side of the complex, a decent 5-7 minute walk. We fixed ourselves a drink and sat on the couch together discussing the dramatic events that have led up to this move for herself and her children. We laughed, cried, and (hopefully) comforted each other in knowing that our sisterly-bond remains strong through her difficult time.
As the clock neared 11pm, I decided I should go home to get some sleep, and told my sis that she needed to do the same. Before heading out, I dug through her boys' bucket of Halloween candy for a couple of pieces to enjoy on my walk home. I'll admit, I complained about the selection but managed to find a Snickers and Twix that would suffice.
My sister walked me out, letting her dog have one last pee before settling in for the night. As I walked away I called out to her, "Hey, maybe the walking back and forth between our apartments will help me lose weight!" Her response: "Not if you stuff your pockets with Halloween candy on your way out!" I laughed all the way home.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mommy Time
Yesterday I was able to get the Joey down for his nap somewhere around 1:00. The babies went in for their afternoon nap about an hour after that. I was optimistically hoping for at least an hour to myself where I could clean up the house, shower, get dressed, and make myself look decent enough for a job interview (more on that later...). I even started to think that maybe I'd be able to catch up on a DVR'd episode of Oprah. I quickly picked up the toys, tossed the laundry in the dryer, and headed for the shower.
As soon as I turned the water off and opened the shower curtain I heard the dreaded sound. It was coming from Child #1: "Moooommmmmmyyyyyy!!!!" it yelled over and over and over again. As if that wasn't enough notification that nap time was over for my dear 2 year old, he then continued with, "My done mommy! My done night night!" I threw on my clothes, wrapped up my hair, and ventured down the hallway to retrieve him. I glanced at the clock at this point and it was exactly 2:19. Boy was I disappointed to discover that the napping overlap was a mere 19 minutes. 19 minutes of peace and quiet. 19 minutes where no one asked for anything, spilled something, spit up on me, or made a big mess.
Today has proved to be no different. Except for the 19 minute part. I think I got 7 minutes. Maybe less than that. Katelyn went first. Drank a bottle, fell sound asleep, and went straight to bed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. It was 12:26. Ron took Joey for a walk to the park to burn off a little energy, then he brought him in, washed him up and put him down at about 1:00. Olivia was next. I quietly sat and nursed her, she fell asleep, and went down surprisingly easily. Time check: 1:11.
On my way out of the room, I peek in on Katelyn in her crib. She had flipped herself over and was looking right at me. With a great big "I'm awake now," look on her face. "Crap," I thought to myself. Being spotted is the first mistake. She let out a little squeal of delight followed by arm flailing and a HUGE smile. "Oh no, little one," I whispered. "It's still nap time for you." I plugged her binkie back in, gave her her blankie, and said a little prayer that she'd go back to sleep. I left the room, switched over the laundry (what else is new?!?) and heard her squealing away. Loudly. It was as if she was saying, "My done mommy! My done night night!" The time was 1:18. I had to go back in to get her, because Miss Olivia is a pretty light sleeper and if she wakes up too early all Hell breaks loose.
So here we are. 2 down, 1 up. I guess that's better than the alternatives: 1 down, 2 up. Or 0 down, all up. But I'm still left wondering why. Why is this happening to me? Why won't all of my children sleep at the same time? Don't they understand that Mommy has things that she would like to do too? Like shower, check my email, and maybe even close my eyes for 12 minutes. They totally understand. And they are doing this to torture me. I'm sure of it.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
But I'm Not Tired Yet!
Ron and I were totally excited at 7:15 because all three kids were bathed, Joey was in bed, and Katelyn and Olivia were just settling in for their night-time feeding to quickly be followed by bedtime. I remember Ron saying something to the effect of, "Maybe we can actually watch two shows tonight..." Well, as most of the other things in my life, this didn't go as planned. Because at the current moment, Katelyn is making all kinds of noise in her crib and Olivia is rolling across the living room floor babbling to herself.
Ron started to give Katelyn her bottle but she didn't want it. She kept singing out and squealing which just frustrates him to no end. Before the singing/squealing started Olivia fell sound asleep while nursing. As I put her up on my shoulder to burp, the singing started, she woke up, and has been awake ever since. Every time I get her to start to fall asleep, I place the cute little bugger in her bed, and she begins screaming her head off. Waking her sister up in the process. This has gone on for almost 2 hours now. I didn't know what else to do so finally I just laid her on the floor and let her roll around. And she has been perfectly happy doing so.
Until now. We just made eye contact, and now she is crying her "I'm so unhappy, please pick me up cry." I'm tempted to just leave her on the living room floor and go to bed, leaving my dear husband with the dreaded task of getting her to sleep. Don't worry, I won't do that. But I'd better get off the computer and do something I suppose because her complaining is getting louder and I'm getting tired-er.
Lily Bugs Review and Giveaway
As always, additional entries can be earned by doing some or all of the following: (leave an additional comment each time!)
- Become a follower of Thou Shall Not Whine (extra entry if you already follow!)
- Subscribe to Thou Shall Not Whine in a newsreader
- Link back to this post on your blog or website
- Leave a comment on a Non-giveaway post
- Grab my button and post it on your blog or website
This giveaway will end Saturday, November 28th, 2009 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen via and contacted via email shortly thereafter!
Big Boy Bed
So anyway, I'm thinking about the bed for Joey. I'm nervous though. He has always (with the exception of the last few nights) slept so well in his crib, never tried to climb out or anything like that. I feel like I'm asking for trouble in giving him more freedom. I think I'll need Supernanny to come teach us the bedtime routine. A part of me thinks he is ready and needs more space to curl up for a good night's sleep. Another part of me thinks that he's had enough changes for now, he's probably not sleeping well because of all of the traveling and craziness we've put him through, and I should give it some more time.
Any advice is welcome here... been there, done that? I wanna hear from you!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Mommy Find, Mommy Do It, Mommy Help, Mommy Play
He has become increasingly lazy in other independent tasks as well. If I want him to pick up his toys, he responds with, "No, mommy keen up." If I want him to do a simple task that he knows how to do (like take off his shoes, wipe his face, or take a bite of food) his response is "Mommy help!" The latest of Joey's not so independent responses is, "Mommy play." No longer does my son go pick up a couple of toys and play by himself. He must have a playmate. And unfortunately for me, that playmate is usually Mommy.
I'm hoping in a few short weeks this stage of "I can't do anything by myself" will wear off and we'll be onto the "Mommy leave me alone" stage. Somehow I doubt that will happen. He is a boy, after all. And we all know that boys can't do anything without the help of a girl...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Then he took it one step further. (as he always does!) While we were preoccupied with our home decorating, he climbed up to the desk, took out a pencil, and began marking the wall where his measuring tape was hitting. He was so proud of himself as he exclaimed, "Mommy, I work! I work wall!" Without looking at him, I answered something to the effect, "Oh, that's great Joey!" I figured he was happy playing with his measuring tape and picture, and mimicking what we had been doing all day. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the freshly painted apartment walls to find Joey's pencil markings.
It didn't make me upset, because he didn't do this to be naughty. He did it because it is what he saw us doing, and probably thought to himself, "great, I can finally draw on these boring old walls because Mommy and Daddy are doing it too!" This was another time in my parenting career where I was extremely grateful for Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Happy Baby Food Winner
I know I'm super late in finishing up this giveaway and even later in posting the winner. Please forgive me, I've been a bit busy. I've learned that keeping up with my blog while packing up my house and moving 600 miles away is a difficult task. I'll do better with my next giveaway, I promise.
That being said, congratulations to post #9, The Rosa Family! Hope your baby enjoys Happy Baby Food Products as much as my babies do! :) I'll contact you via email for your shipping info so we can get your prize out to you ASAP!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Withstanding the Test of Time
Finding a new way to play with it at 11 months:
And finding out that climbing underneath it is still exciting...
But not a lot of jumping was happening in the Jumperoo as it sagged to the floor after Joey climbed in:
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Last Call!
Trick or Treat
Katelyn felt right at home on the purple couch. This was right before I put her in her Halloween costume. (Olivia isn't in this pic with her because we were letting her sleep right up until it was time to leave the house... she's like mommy, without sleep she's CRANKY!)
I had trouble deciding whether Joey was a Lion or a Tiger. At first I thought it was a lion, but now I'm pretty sure it was a tiger. Either way, he looked damn cute.
The cutest pumpkins ever.
Desperately trying to get a bite...
Trail mix is a good dinner, right?
Ready for trick or treating!
Don't worry, we told him to stay on the sidewalk and watch for cars...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Things I've Learned Along The Way
*Getting a hotel room for one night is a good idea. While simple for most, for my family it involves carrying in two infant carseats (with infants); one toddler; a suitcase; a laundry basket packed with more clothes; a basket containing bottles, sippy cups, baby cereal, baby food, formula, and snacks; three pack and plays; a booster seat, and a contraband dog.
*A pen can keep a two year old busy for hours while strapped into a carseat. He'll write on paper, blankies, body parts, and clothing. But he'll be quiet and not ask for anything else so it's worth it.
*Packing with any sort of organizational strategy is overrated: when the moving truck arrives you will grab a box and throw anything and everything that isn't breathing into it.
*Sleeping in a new place 5 times within one week will hurt your back. A LOT.
*Gone are the days of a quick stop where you pee, get something to eat, get gas, and get back on the road. Now we have to unload all children, pee, change diapers, feed babies, feed toddler, feed ourselves, pee again, get everyone back in the car, and then drive away. It will take at least an hour.
*You will eat more fast food during your moving out/moving/moving in process than you usually do in a year.
*You will miss people before they leave your arms, but you'll be glad when the goodbye is over and you can look forward to your next visit.
*And lastly, focus on the big picture. Moving is hard. With children, or without. Emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting, it's hard. But its worth it to start a new adventure, make new memories, and enjoy life with your family.
Friday, October 16, 2009
HappyBaby Foods Review and Giveaway

- Become a follower of Thou Shall Not Whine (extra entry if you already follow!)
- Subscribe to Thou Shall Not Whine in a Newsreader
- Link back to this post on your blog or website
- Leave a comment on a Non-giveaway post
- Grab my button and post it on your blog or website
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saying Goodbye
Today I started to say goodbye to some very good friends that I have spent a lot of time getting to know in the last two years. It was supposed to be the last event that I attended, but I decided to squeeze one more in during the week so I can see many of them just one more time. Really, I think I'm just trying to put off saying goodbye. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator. I am dreading the hugs, the tears, and the goodbyes that I see in my very near future.
In order for anyone to understand what this group of friends means to me I need to back it up a bit and share the story of finding them:
When Joey was about 6 months old I found myself at home alone a lot of the time feeling bored, cooped-up, and lonely. When talking to my mom about needing to find some new mommy friends she jokingly said, "post an ad on Craigslist that you want new friends." (she is so helpful sometimes!) A few weeks later I was still thinking about how I could meet some other moms, and out of sheer curiosity I decided to "just browse" Craigslist, and see if anyone actually posts "friends wanted" ads. They do! Somewhere in my browsing, I came across an ad about a great site for meeting new people: So I guess in essence, my mom's advice was right. Again.
Anyway, I visited the site, found a mom's group, and joined. I went to a playdate that same week and knew right away that I had found the right group. I just clicked with these ladies. The group was just starting off, so it was easy to join and we were all searching for the same thing: support, activities to do with our kids, advice, and friendship. I found all of this and more in this group. If ever I was having a bad day, someone was always there to listen, offer support, meet up for a walk, glass of wine, playdate, or Moms Night Out. When I had a question about my kids, everyone always had gentle advice, suggestions, and helpful ideas. When my twins were born, my family didn't have to cook for a month because so many of these wonderful women brought delicious meals and goodies our way.
I've never felt out of place, unwanted, or insecure at any of our group events. I've never felt like I had too many kids to go to a playdate. OK, well I know I have too many kids, but these ladies are always there to help get everyone out of the car, find Joey a snack, watch him in the pool, or hold a crying baby while I hold the other one. Recently, our life situation became tougher than we ever imagined, and these ladies provided me with a place to talk, cry, laugh, and find a shoulder to lean on. I love them dearly and would not have been able to survive the last two years without them.
This afternoon Ron and I took the kids to one of our Seasonal parties for the group. The group does this a few times a year, and it is a nice way to get everyone (even the dads!) together. It is always a pot-luck style backyard BBQ that is sure to have great food, tons of sweets, and activities for the kids. We had a great time, as we always do, and it reminded me of how lucky I've been to get to know this group of families. And while I know that this move is the right thing to do for our family, it made me realize that I'm leaving behind my huge support network in this life that I call mommyhood.
I know that we will be happy in our new home and maintain the important relationships that we are leaving behind, but it is still terribly sad and scary. I hope to find a group of ladies that will welcome me and my children in the way that this group has. I hope that the activities are fun and exciting, and not lame or boring. I hope they like to hold babies because I've got more than enough to go around. I hope that they like to take pictures of all the kids as much as this group does. I hope for a lot of things from this move, but mostly I just hope to find a few good friends to add to the many that I will take with me in my heart.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Many Happy Returns
It doesn't matter if I'm shopping for myself, Ron, or the kids, there is always an item (or twelve!) that needs to go back to the store. Wrong color, size, flavor, style, whatever. There is always something. The problem with this situation is that I'm really bad at just going into a store to return something. Like I said, I love shopping. So, as I enter the store to return the unwanted item, I usually end up finding something on my way in or out that I purchase and bring home with me. I can usually rationalize the buying part with the fact that I'm returning something, so it's like spending free money. And what good is free money if you aren't going to spend it? I know it doesn't really work that way, but just play along, OK? So anyway, buying while returning usually just leads to another return. And the cycle repeats itself. Over and over and over.
Today I put the babies down for their naps and headed out of the house with an armload of stuff in various store bags to be returned. I hit 7 stores within a 10 mile radius in 2 and a half hours. When I walked back in the house with a new armload of stuff Ron looked at me with raised eyebrows and said, "Were the stores not taking returns today?" I simply replied, "Oh, no, they were. I just picked up some things that we needed while I was out." Being the ever-loving husband that he is, he just shook his head and left it at that. He gets me. God bless that man.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Back to Reality
Sunday morning we decided that we would pick up donuts to share with Mollie, Andrew, and company. As I buckled Joey into his car seat I was concerned that his nose was bleeding a little bit. He had been coloring earlier in the morning, and in my hungover haze I seemed to remember Ron saying something along the lines of "If there was a crayon in his nose we'd know it, right?" "Yes," I responded, "we would definitely know if there was a crayon in his nose." I figured it would be pretty hard to miss a 3 inch piece of melted wax hanging from my child's face.
As I wiped Joey's mysteriously bleeding nose, Ron again spoke up: "I never did find that little piece of crayon." WAIT A MINUTE... little piece of crayon? No one ever told me there was a missing little piece of crayon. Upon investigation with a flashlight and household tweezers, sure enough the little piece of crayon was in my son's nose. Operation Sunday Morning Donut Stop aborted, begin Emergency Room Visit with mischievous two-year old.
The staff at the hospital was very understanding, and was sure to give me the "these things happen all the time" vibe. They even gave me pointers for what I could try at home next time my son puts a foreign object in his nostril. Next time? We are already planning for next time? Given his history, I wouldn't put it past him (remember the noodle incident?). However, I'm hoping that four doctors holding him down while one shoved a long needle up his nose to fetch a crayon was traumatic enough that Joey will think twice when he's having one of those "I wonder what this feels like in my nose" moments.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So Behind
A little of what's been going on: Ron was away for a few days at the beginning of the week in search of work and shelter for our family. That left me home with the three babes to fend for ourselves. I managed ok, and the only difficult time was the dreaded dinner/bedtime hour. Joey watched A LOT of Blues Clues on these two days and we were all glad when Daddy was home.
Yesterday I spent the day running around like crazy: to the grocery store, the mall, the tailor, etc. etc. It was a bit of a trial for Olivia in that she was without me for several hours. Still refused the bottle but she survived! Today is moving day. Not for me, for my mom. Such a hard, sad day, and my world feels a bit upside down now that this is actually happening. I know that there are good things ahead of us with all of these changes, but today I just feel sad. I can't even begin to imagine how I will feel in a month when it is our turn to move. Tonight we'll have our last neighborhood-family dinner, followed by a trip to Kohls for various last-minute items that I'll need for this weekend.
This weekend is the BIG DAY. My very good friend Kate is set to be married, and I'm a bridesmaid! So the next three days will be filled with errands, preparations, a secret project that I'm working on, and a couple of appointments to beautify myself. Oh yeah, and I still have 3 young children to continue caring for while doing all of that.
So, I apologize for being behind in my blogging. Don't lose faith in me though. I'll be back soon and I have 2 *awesome* giveaways in the works!
Friday, September 25, 2009
So off we went. We left the house with a spring in our step and a flutter in our hearts. We were free. Free. Free. Free. In fact I had the urge to roll down the windows of the minivan as it cruised the neighborhood streets and shout, "Free at last, Free at last, God Almighty I'm free at last!" I did not actually do this, but believe you me, I wanted to.
We held hands as we walked to the restaurant. We rejoiced in the fact that there was a 20-30 minute wait, as that gave us time to peruse books in the nearby bookstore. At said bookstore we actually read the inside flaps to each other. Without interruption. We didn't have to buy anything that one of our children ripped, ate, or spit up on either. When our buzzer buzzed we again walked hand in hand back to the restaurant where we were handed two menus. We each read the whole menu. We contemplated what to order. We asked the waiter for MORE TIME! It was the most incredible feeling to be out with my husband without anyone crying, whining, spitting up, pooping, or sleeping on my shoulder.
The best part of the evening was when we finished dinner and while walking through the downtown area came across some live acoustic music. It was chilly outside so I went in to a coffee shop to get some warm beverages and Ron went back to the car to get me a sweatshirt. The only sweatshirt in the car was size 2T, but he did manage to find me a nice fleece blanket to cover up with. A fleece blanket covered in my favorite red furry monster. Yep, you guessed it, Elmo. So there I sat among the other childless couples, snuggled up to my hubby, sipping a hot cup of coffee, under a child-sized Elmo blanket. The blanket did its' job in keeping me warm, but it did something else for me as well. It reminded me that I have three of the most special gifts waiting for me at home, and no matter how much I enjoy my time without them nothing warms my soul quite like the time I spend with them.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Calling All Cute Kids

After I submitted Joey's *cutest* picture today it brings you to a screen where you can send out an email, post to your FB profile, twitter, etc. encouraging friends and family members to vote for your kid. Well, every mom who gets that email is going to think to herself, "my kid is cuter than that kid, I should enter this too." So sending out a mass email encouraging people to vote for Joey is a double edge sword in a way. Good, in that I might have gotten him some votes and publicity. Not so good in that I totally just advertised this contest and significantly increased the pool of competitors. And let me tell you, there is some stiff competition out there....
So why am I writing about this tonight? I figure the damage is already done. I posted it to my facebook profile, sent out the email, haven't tweeted about it because I have no idea how Twitter works, but I figure I might as well mention it here too. Please go ahead and vote for Joey (everyday!) by clicking here. And please enter your own child too. Let's all just agree to the golden rule of cutest kid competitions: To a mom, there is no cuter kid than her own kid. But I'll vote for yours if you'll vote for mine!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nutritionists Beware
After Walmart we went on to Tim Horton's for an early lunch. A lunch of doughnuts for Joey. Oh, and Doritos. ha. No turkey sandwich on whole wheat for this kid. Just doughnuts please. Well, it didn't end there. We can't possibly take a trip to Tim Horton's without bringing a treat to cousin Mollie. While we were out she actually called to verify that we were coming. Upon delivery Mollie excitedly sat down to have herself a tasty doughnut. And so did Joey. Again.
At that point I pretty much knew that any attempt to feed Joey lunch (or any other meal for the day) was completely shot. He napped for only an hour, woke up with low blood sugar (shocking!), and proceeded to starve himself of any "real" food for the remainder of the day. It's no wonder that he woke up this morning requesting gummies for breakfast. I'd say this calls for operation detox for the two-year old.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
As Seen On TV
I just ordered Matthew's Snuggie. Instead of the standard blue or pink choices, I did some internet searching and came up with one that is sure to make this kid's heart sing. I managed to find an Authentic Dallas Cowboys Youth-sized Snuggie. Now I just wish I could be there next week to see his reaction when he opens it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009
OOPS! Winner Announced
So I was totally bummed not to have more entries for this. Where is every one??? With my injury this week, I forgot to announce the winner of the Stop and Shop Giftcard. Winner is post #3, Marie who said, "I hope I win as I have no groceries in my house ** haha" Congratulations, we'll get your gift card to you pronto! Big thanks to General Mills and MyBlogSpark for this great offer!
Stay tuned for more giveaways soon!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Stall Tactics
When I sit to read him a book, I never choose the right book. So he needs to get out of the chair and pull ten thousand books off the shelf in search of (insert book title here). It is so interesting to me that at just 2 years young, this little person has figured out exactly how to get what he wants.
When I go in his room to cover him up before I go to bed he sometimes wakes up. I used to be able to sneak out after a sleepy "hi mommy," followed by a quick kiss. Now if he wakes up stands up immediately and announces that he needs milk. NEEDS MILK! MILK! MILK MOMMY! MILK! Because I can't stand the yelling and whining at 11:30pm, I always give in, drag my tired self back downstairs, fill a sippy cup and bring it back to my now wide-awake child. Last night he took many small sips and passed the cup back to me after each one. Every time I started to walk away he needed just one more sip. After this routine repeated itself several times over, I finally stopped the madness and proceeded into the hallway despite his protest.
Just as I think I'm going to finally get to go to bed, I hear Joey call for me once more. Another game has begun. He has announced that he needs to go potty. I throw my head back in utter exhaustion paired with a significant amount of frustration in being manipulated by a 2 year old. Well, given our current success with potty training thus far, I can't exactly ignore this final request. And boy does he know it. So I take him into the bathroom, remove his night time diaper (which I'm secretly rejoicing in the fact that it is still dry!), sit him on the potty, and wait.
At this point in my story I'm pretty sure you can guess what this oh-so-adorable child asked for next as we flushed the potty. Yep, chocolate. This is where I put my foot down. I may do a lot of things to avoid a tantrum, but this is not one of them. I refuse to reward this ridiculous display of "I'm not tired anymore, Mommy." with M and Ms at Midnight. So I sternly told Joey that we do not get chocolate in the night time. Only in the daytime. He protested at first, but soon realized I was done. Game over. Back to bed.
Stalling: He's become an expert already. I'm pretty sure the fun has just begun.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Please Excuse My Absence
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Review: Rainy Day Kids
This set could not be cuter. The fabric is so soft, and the jacket is fully lined with a jersey-type cotton, making it nice and comfortable for little ones. I was told that the boots run a little big, but in my opinion they were just right because I ordered Joey's regular shoe size and they fit him just right. He loved wearing them too. I'm pretty sure he didn't take them off for 2 days. Aside from the adorableness of this set, Rainy Day Kids has great prices on high quality rainwear for kids! They have a fabulous selection of fun, comfortable, and practical rainwear that your kids will love wearing in any weather! And they have a great everyday shipping rate of $5.95, no matter how big your order is.
As a special gift, business owner Lauri Stokes has offered a 15% discount for my readers at Rainy Day Kids now through October 31st. Just enter in discount code: WHINE when prompted. This is a great deal, and I might just get ahead of myself and order some Christmas presents!
And Then There Was Poop
No, seriously, this will be my last post about potty training for a while. I promise. But I must brag for a moment and fill everyone in on Joey's progress. And boy has he made progress. He officially pooped on the potty today. All by himself. Meaning: he realized he had to go, told me, pulled down the unda-pans, waddled into the bathroom and did the deed! Hurrah! No accidents today, and we even went out! He is such a smart little goober, and I am such a proud momma!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What The Poop
I KNOW he needs to go. How do I know? We won't get into it. I think the answer to that question teeters on the edge of too much information. So just take my word for it. I've tried lots of different approaches to get him to cooperate, and to no avail. I even pretended that his baby sister pooped on the potty this morning and rewarded her with a treasured pop

Ok, so does anyone have any suggestions for this situation? Please?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
While I was inside making dinner, Joey was outside with Ron playing. I noticed that we were approaching that 2 hour mark, and Joey had consumed his fair share of "onge chew" (orange juice) throughout the course of the afternoon. Katelyn was fussy all day and had just fallen asleep in her swing. I knew that if Joey came bounding in the house making all kinds of noise, she would inevitably wake up, dinner would not get made, and I would be frustrated.
So I cheated. Instead of bringing the child to the potty, I brought the potty to the child. Literally. I brought his little kid-sized potty outside, put it in the grass and told him to go. And he did. Then I went back inside, washed out the potty, returned it to it's proper location (the bathroom), and went back outside to deliver 2 M and Ms to a very proud Joey. Now that is what I call a Port-a-Potty.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Stop and Shop Giftcard Giveaway
To enter, leave me a comment telling me a way that you like to save at the grocery store. Up to 5 additional entries can be earned by doing one or more of the following: (Leave another comment for EACH additional entry!)
- Become a follower of Thou Shall Not Whine
- Subscribe to Thou Shall Not Whine in a Newsreader
- Link back to this post on your blog or website
- Leave a comment on a Non-giveaway post
- Grab my button and post it on your blog or website
Giveaway is open until Monday, September 14th at 11:59EST. Winner will be chosen via and notified shortly thereafter. Good Luck!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Potty Progress